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Our Services: Areas of Specialization


We offer a range of organizational development consulting and coaching services tailored to the needs and values of our individual clients. 

Organizational development consulting: We support organizations to strengthen their capacity and improve their effectiveness in operations, culture, staff development and employee engagement, programs, and communications. We specialize in building, launching, redesigning, and/or expanding organizational strategies, programs, and initiatives. Whether you are designing a new program model from scratch or revising an existing initiative, our strengths include creating a detailed framework for the planning process, engaging diverse perspectives, and designing content, curriculum, policies, and procedures tailored for the audience or participants being served. These kinds of projects tend to incorporate the majority of Spark Consulting LLC’s services, including facilitation, project management, team building, and leadership coaching.

Goal-focused, strategic facilitation of committees, meetings, retreats, and workshops: We collaborate with you to define outcomes and audience, cultivate community, ensure all voices are heard, and achieve measurable progress towards group and individual goals. We adapt our facilitation style to reflect cultural context and unique group dynamics and are confident serving alone or partnering to co-facilitate and build internal capacity for future facilitation. Our strengths include working with cross-sector or cross-department groups, long-term facilitation where sessions build on each other (e.g. committees, learning cohorts), and leveraging equity-integrated community agreements towards meaningful conversations and action.

Project management: We plan, execute, and complete projects that support organizations’ missions and goals. Our skills in communication, organization, team leadership, and adaptability enable us to motivate diverse teams to meet high standards and meaningful outcomes as we move projects from idea to implementation.

Interim senior leadership: When you are looking for support to steer the organization forward during times of turnover or upheaval, we step into interim senior leadership roles to guide teams through change. We create space to hold emotions and grievances with care, cultivate relationships that inspire confidence and collaboration, and identify tangible actions to support staff morale and program outcomes.

Event design and management: We draw on our experience managing virtual and in-person learning events and conferences with 15-600 participants to manage an event from start to finish, including visioning, objectives, roles and responsibilities, team coordination, implementation, debrief, and documentation of lessons learned. We are committed to creating events that are inclusive, accessible, and meaningful and bring a strong orientation towards continuous improvement with an equity lens. We create comprehensive work plans, templates, and checklists to make event planning more accessible and efficient for team members.

1:1 or small group leadership coaching: Our one-on-one or small group sessions will include open-ended questions that consider multiple perspectives, giving you the opportunity to explore challenges, fears, and workplace scenarios from new angles. Our non-judgmental, supportive approach creates a positive environment conducive for personal and professional development. Whether you are new to a management role or a veteran leader, we look forward to helping you increase your self-awareness, overcome barriers, and get results!

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