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Let's talk

  • I would like to see different outcomes as a result of my leadership.

  • I want my business or organization to grow—and my own skills.

  • We are designing a new strategy, initiative, or program.

  • We are trying to resolve a complex organizational problem.

  • I want to facilitate an inclusive, equitable, and meaningful process with a diverse group of people.

  • We want to successfully reach new outcomes or standards.

  • I have taken on a new leadership role.

Which statement do you identify with most?

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If any of these statements reflect your situation, or if you have a different challenge and wonder if we might be able to serve you, please submit the inquiry form or contact us at to set up a free consultation!

What Clients Are Saying

"I've worked alongside Anne for one year now as she was a K-12 education consultant for East African Community Services. In that one year, Anne transformed our K-12 education programs in a positive way. Anne’s cross-cultural understanding of our specific community helped revamp our education strategic plan, curriculum, recruitment, program calendar, parent handbook and evaluation outcomes. Anne has such a creative, positive outlook and is very good at organizing and bringing people together. Her style is open and inviting to questions, engaging, and thorough to best serve the needs of her clients."

– Faisal Jama, Executive Director, East African Community Services


“My organization, STEM Paths Innovation Network (SPIN), was very lucky to receive technical support from Anne through Race to the Top funding in partnership with Seattle Public Schools. Anne was focused, empathetic, smart, flexible and detail oriented - everything you could wish for in a consultant. She made the most of every meeting we had with her and was invariably prepared and insightful. Rather than coaching or consulting that leaves small nonprofits with 'just another manual or plan that sits on the shelf,' Anne helped us develop a thorough logic model that has been invaluable to us in describing our work and moving our strategic planning forward. She also worked closely with us around our communications, messaging and assessment planning. SPIN is so much better off having had the experience of working with Anne.”

– Katherine Barr, Executive Director of Operations at STEM Paths Innovation Network (SPIN)

"I have used Anne as a sounding board for multiple challenges that I've encountered in my managerial role. She comes to every situation without any preconceived notions of right and wrong and through a series of open-ended questions that change with every situation, she's helped me identify the multiple perspectives and competing interests at play and develop and implement an effective action plan that fits my style. In every encounter, I've learned something that I can go on to use in other challenging situations in the workplace and in my personal life. I would recommend her without hesitation."

– Coaching Client

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Photo: Anne Arias

Spark Consulting, LLC, is based in Seattle, WA.

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